What is Kitchenette?

What is Kitchenette?

Kitchenette is all about blissful eating and healthy tummies…

Kitchenette is a newly established homemade food and pastry business. It all started from our passion to cook and share good food with friends and loved ones. Kitchenette serves fresh, distinct, and comforting food you don’t just get to taste in your usual dining experience. We use the freshest ingredients available. By doing so, the flavor of the ingredients we use is unaltered which gives our dishes its best distinctive taste.

Freshness is one of the main aspects to highlight our products’ distinct taste. We use fresh and local ingredients whenever possible so that the real flavors of the ingredients are maintained and highlighted. Everything from Kitchenette is homemade and done only in small batches to guarantee freshness. We constantly experiment on different recipes. We’d also love to hear new ideas from our customers to create more delicious and unique food. We are always excited to try out a new dish since we’re always in quest for food finds and we get so thrilled whenever we get to discover something new to offer our friends and family. We are for creative flavors that excite, for our goal is to have you bellyblissed with our food.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcakes...

Deliciously festive, moist, flavorful, and maybe a hint of playful tackiness it's a dessert that has gained newfound popularity everywhere.
If you haven't had it before red velvet is like yellow cake but with a little kiss on the cheek of chocolate. The red color can come from beets or even strawberries…Try kitchenette's super yummy red velvets with cream cheese frosting... :)

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